8th to 12th of May was Creative Schools Week and Courtenay kids are certainly all that!
In a week of fabulous creativity, the week was an outstanding success for all. Led by the creative schools co-ordinator, teacher Sandra O’Donovan assembled a student creative committee to brainstorm a range of activities that the students would like to take part in.
Pupils from all classes were represented on the committee and explored many new initiatives to engage in during the week.
There was a wide range of activities and workshops. Some were delivered from artists outside the school, but many workshops were presented by our own teachers, who readily shared their many talents and expertise.
Artist Treasa Gueran presented a magic and puppet show and balloon making workshop, to the younger pupils. Nora McDonell- Nolan conducted art classes and Keri Sherlock helped us with clay creations. Our clay pots and jellyfish are decorating the school!
A big hit with the older pupils was a workshop on Stop/start motion animation by Mike Byrne. The boys learned how to make characters, develop a story and turn it into an animated video.
Ben O’ Sullivan videographer demonstrated the use of the ‘green screen’ in making videos. The boys created a script to go with their video and then edited it professionally.
Our own teachers also shared their expertise . SNA Emmet Kelly conducted several drama classes during the week and Mr. Shepherd shared his computer coding skills with the older classes. Ms Reidy and Ms. Fitzgerald held singing worshops, in jazz and sean-nós singing, and the equally musical Mr. Sheridan taught the boys the history of the ukulele and taught them the main chords of the instrument.
A fabulous week full of creative energy. Maith sibh go léir!