Fifth Class
Welcome to the Fifth Class page. Our teacher is Mr. Jack Devine.Newsletter 14th April 2024
Seachtian na Gaeilge 2024
Lá Glas i Scoil Ó Curnáin "Courtenay Ceoltoirí ar an Lá Glas" - Bhí ceol traidisiúnta againn ón Antoni, Johan, Michael, Conor, Harry, Alan, Daniel and Michael. Courtenay NS celebrating Lá Glas amuigh faoin aer. Seachtain na Gaeilge i Scoil Ó...
FAI 5-A Side Soccer Tournament
A group of 22 boys from 5th and 6th class participated in a soccer tournament in Corbally. 5th and 6th class boys line out for Courtenay NS in the FAI 5 a-side Soccer Tournament. Courtenay Boys who participated in the FAI 5-a side Soccer Tournament in Corbally....
Tag Rugby
The Courtenay School Tag Rugby Team at Newcastle West Rugby Club on 25th January 2024 where they played a tournament against other schools.
Cycle Safety Training Course
Boys from the Willow Room participating in the Cycle Safely Course with Cycle Right! 5th learning all about safe cycling with Cycle Right! 5th class are getting ready to cycle off with Cycle Right, safe cycling course! 5th class participate in a Cycle Safely Training...
Carol Singing & Busking
Courtenay children in full voice performing, Christmas Carols in the square in Newcastle West.