Hazel Tree Class

Welcome to the Hazel Tree Class page. Our teacher is Mr. Tommy Hannon.

Seachtian na Gaeilge 2024

Lá Glas i Scoil Ó Curnáin "Courtenay Ceoltoirí ar an Lá Glas" - Bhí ceol traidisiúnta againn ón Antoni, Johan, Michael, Conor, Harry, Alan, Daniel and Michael. Courtenay NS celebrating Lá Glas amuigh faoin aer. Seachtain na Gaeilge i Scoil Ó...

Grandparents’ Day

Photos for Grandparents' Day 27.02.24 Aleksandra Peplinska pictured with grandson Alan at Grandparetns' Day in Courtenay NS. Callum Brouder photographed with his grandparents at Grandparents' Day at Courtenay NS. Charlie Mullane, pictured with his Nana Wallace, aunt...