Creative Schools

The children had a wonderful time as part of our Creative Schools Initiative 2024. Thanks to Mr. Shepherd (STEM), Emmett Kelly (Drama), Dance Teacher Jean O’Donoghue and Mrs. O’Donovan for organising all the activities. The Creative Schools Initiative will...

Tag Rugby

The Courtenay School Tag Rugby Team at Newcastle West Rugby Club on 25th January 2024 where they played a tournament against other...

Creative School’s Week 8th – 12th May 2023

8th to 12th of May was Creative Schools Week and Courtenay kids are certainly all that! In a week of fabulous creativity, the week was an outstanding success for all. Led by the creative schools co-ordinator, teacher Sandra O’Donovan assembled a student creative...

School Tours

School trips take place in June and are another highlight of the year. All classes travel to age appropriate activities. Our younger children visit the farm while older boys go to more active centres for outdoor adventure!